Anatomy of a domain-specific PaaS - Kubernetes, Istio and Auth0

· 1245 words · 6 minute read

⚠️ Please note, this is a very early draft. Revisions and diagrams coming soon! 🔗

In part 1 of this series we discussed why and when a domain-specific PaaS can be useful. Part 2 continued with the example use case and presented the platform at a high level. In this post, we’ll get into the technical details of how we might implement a domain-specific PaaS using Kubernetes, Istio and Auth0.

As time allows, I’ll update this post with links to GitHub repositories containing implementations of the various components.

A word of warning, Kubernetes and Istio are gigantic and complex systems, and this post could never cover all the details from first principles. Some familiarity with cloud-native technologies is assumed. Let’s dive in.

Take a look again at the snippet of code in part 2. Put simply, our task is to provide a system that will take a hunk of code like this, and turn it into a running process, accessible to authorized client applications. We want the user to be able to edit the code in a browser, and when they save their work it will be pushed to the system. The system should then turn the code into a Docker image, and deploy it on our Kubernetes cluster.

You may say, but that’s crazy, what about version control, CI/CD, unit-testing, etc, and it would be entirely fair to raise these concerns. However, remember our goal is to make the system as accessible as possible for users, and let’s face it Git is not the most beginner-friendly tool.

Naturally, we could roll our own web server to handle our requests from a client, but we’d end up writing a ton of code we can get for free by extending the Kubernetes API via Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).

Our example platform is called AeroGrid, and the users are creating AeroGrid “apps” within the platform, so we’ll start by defining a new CRD. After registering this CRD, the Kubernetes API server creates a new RESTful resource path allowing instances of that resource to tbe created, updated and deleted with the usual HTTP requests. The Kubernetes API also allows you to watch cluster resources (including custom resources), with long running GET requests. This enables a client to be notified as soon as there is a change in the state of a resource.

Another very nice feature of the API generated for the CRD is that it is fully documented by an OpenAPI specification. This means we can use code generation tools to generate idiomatic, strongly typed client libraries in a variety of languages. For our example use case we want to generate TypeScript and dotnet clients for use in a web console and in the Excel add-in.

– Insert CRD API diagram

So, what fields do we need in our new CRD? All Kubernetes resources must have a metadata property containing name, namespace and UID fields, so that is taken care of. Most obviously, we also need somewhere to put our code, so let’s add a list of files to the CRD spec. In most cases, an app will just have an and a requirements.txt, but a list of files is extensible. We also want to define the states that an app can be in, as an enum in the Status.

Hello Operator 🔗

The CRD API gives us a way of managing the state of the apps we want running in the system - our desired state, but we still need a way of actually having that desire reflected by reality. We need to implement the behaviours required to transform our desires into reality ✨. This is the work of Kubernetes operators.

ℹ️ A quick aside - there’s a lot of overlap between the CoreOS “operator” terminology and the native Kubernetes “controller” terminology. Putting it very briefly, an operator is a domain-specific controller.

Taking inspiration from the world of robotics, a Kubernetes operator observes the desired state of a resource, and performs actions to bring reality in line with desire. This is the principle of the robotic control loop. The benefit is that distributed systems are unreliable, subject to Byzantine failure, and generally very difficult to reason about. (TODO: more on why the operator pattern is useful for distributed systems)

There are SDKs available that make it quite straightforward to developer Operators in several languages. For example, Golang, Java and Python.

When we create a new resource, we ultimately want a new container to be run with our code and dependencies installed within. Pods are the basic unit of deployment in Kubernetes, but it’s not recommended to create pods directly. Rather we should use a Deployment resource, which can be used to define rollout, scaling and rollback characteristics.

When a user creates a new app in the platform, our app operator will be notified, and will be responsible for creating a new deployment resource. In turn, the deployment controller will be notified of the new deployment resource, and will create a new ReplicaSet resource. The replicaset controller will then create a number of pod resources (according to the spec.replicas config in the deployment). Next, the kube-scheduler component will see that pods have been created without an assigned Node and wll select an appropriate node for them to run on. Finally, the kubelet agents running on the involved nodes will actually start the required containers.

– Insert operator diagram here.

Maintaining the right image at all times 🔗

But wait! I hear you say, don’t we need to have an image to run in the first place? We do indeed, and because we want to allow our users to install packages using requirements.txt, we can’t just use the same image for all the apps. We need to be able to build an image in the cluster if required.

So, before creating the deployment resource, the app operator will create an custom Image resource (let’s assume we registered it previously), copying the files into it by means of a ConfigMap resource. The image controller will determine if a suitable image exists in our docker registry, or if an image build process needs to be started. If a build is required, the image controller will create a Job resource configured to run a Kaniko container. Kaniko is a tool to build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster. Once the Kaniko job is complete, the new image is pushed to the registry, our image controller is notified, and the new image tag can be updated on the app spec, causing the app controller to run through its control loop again.

– image build diagram

Get connected 🔗

Pods running the right image on a node within our cluster is a big step in the right direction. But pods can be stopped and rescheduled to other nodes for any number of reasons, and the IP they are assigned within the cluster is ephemeral. We need to be route traffic reliably to our workloads, so we need a stable network address. This is the job of Kubernetes Services.

Services give us a stable way of finding our pods withing the cluster, but we also need traffic from our clients outside the cluster to be able to reach the pods. In Kubernetes, this is the responsibility of the Ingress resource and the ingress controller. There are many types of ingress controller, maintained by the Kubernetes project, and by independent vendors.

We For our example however we’ll use Istio